WeLang Documentation


WeLang is a programming language designed for simplicity and ease of use. Below are some examples and descriptions of its features.


In WeLang, comments are created using the semicolon ;. Comments are ignored during execution and are meant for providing explanations or notes within the code.

; This is a comment
; Another comment explaining variable declaration

Variable Declaration

Use var.create to declare a new variable.

var.create myVar

Variable Definition and Setting

Variables can be set using var.set followed by the variable name and value within single quotes.

var.set myVar = 'Hello'

Command Definition

You can define a command that targets a variable using !set command = 'commandName'. This assigns the last declared variable to the command.

!set command = 'printVar'

Executing a Command

The !cr command is used to execute a command, outputting the value of the variable assigned to this command.

!cr myVar

Data Manipulation

The mov command sets an integer value to a variable, while add increases it.

mov myVar, 10
add myVar, 5

Debugging and Modifiers

The mod command can modify the debug mode. Using mod x023x disables debug output.

mod x023x

Program Execution

Execution begins with start us: and ends with stop us. Use these to define the application's lifecycle.

start us:
!cr myVar
stop us